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  • Sustainability Policies

    Environmental Policy

    The Tenma Group is committed to conducting business activities in harmony with the global environment. We promote initiatives that help prevent global warming, preserve biodiversity, and create a recycling-oriented society in all our countries and regions of operation.

    Plastic materials used in our core business play a useful role in people’s daily lives, resource conservation, and energy conservation. Although our products support our lifestyles, we also recognize their environmental impact. As a manufacturer handling plastic products, it is our responsibility to help solve environmental and social issues by creating “a prosperous society in which people and plastics coincide in harmony.”

    We will promote environmental protection activities that observe all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and agreements.
    We will engage in environment-friendly business activities at all stages of the product life cycle, from research and development to procurement, production, sales, distribution, use, recycling and disposal.
    We will manage hazardous chemical substances appropriately and strive to reduce their environmental impact.
    We will help mitigate climate change by promoting the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and energy conservation.
    We will contribute to the formation of a recycling-oriented society by promoting the sustainable use of resources as well as the reduction and reuse of waste.
    We will ensure the proper operation of our environmental management system and continually work to improve its effectiveness.
    We will strive to raise the awareness of all executives and employees through education on environmental conservation and promote awareness-raising activities so that they can properly understand and act on this policy.
    We will promote environment conservation activities throughout our supply chain in collaboration with our business partners.
    We will strive to improve public confidence in our company through the proactive disclosure of environmental information, communication with local communities, and nature conservation activities.

    June 9, 2022

    Human Rights Policy

    In line with our company motto, “Trust, Hope, Love,” the Tenma Group values the life of every employee and respects their humanity and human rights of all people associated with the group, including our business partners and customers.

    We shall comply with the laws and regulations of all countries and regions in which we operate and shall manage our business while considering culture, customs, and stakeholder interests, as well as respect international norms, including human rights.


    Scope of Coverage

    This policy applies to all officers and employees of the Tenma Group (Tenma Corporation and its group companies). Furthermore, we will work with all stakeholders in our business to respect human rights throughout the supply chain to ensure we are not complicit in human rights abuses.


    Human Rights Due Diligence

    To fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights, we will establish and continuously enforce the human rights due diligence mechanisms required by this policy.



    If we are found to have caused or contributed to any adverse effects on human rights, we will work to remedy or correct the situation.



    To ensure all officers and employees correctly understand and follow this policy, we will engage in ongoing awareness-raising efforts and provide appropriate education and training to ensure the effectiveness of this policy.


    Dialogue and Consultation with Stakeholders

    We will ensure opportunities for dialog and good-faith consultation with relevant stakeholders regarding responses to actual or potential adverse effects on human rights.

    [Approach to Human Rights Issues]

    Prohibition of discrimination

    We do not tolerate any discrimination based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, nationality, or birthplace.

    Prohibition of forced labor

    We do not use forced labor. We also do not tolerate any form of modern slavery, including indebted servitude or human trafficking.

    Prohibition of child labor

    We do not permit child labor and observe the minimum working age required by national and local laws and regulations. Moreover, we do not allow young workers to engage in hazardous work.

    Prohibition of harassment

    We will not tolerate any conduct that offends individual dignity, including sexual harassment, power harassment, maternity harassment, or harassment related to childcare or family care leave.

    Occupational health and safety

    We shall prioritize safety and strive to improve workplace safety while maintaining a hygienic environment according to the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we do business.

    Respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining

    We respect the rights of our employees, including the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.

    Quality Policy

    We at Tenma Group aim to improve customer satisfaction and believe that providing society with quality products and services helps enrich people’s lives. We will continue meeting customer expectations by leveraging our accumulated technological capabilities and quality assurance system.

    We understand the quality our customers demand and strive to further improve it to provide high-quality products and services globally, in addition to maximizing the excitement, joy, and satisfaction experienced by our customers.
    We will ensure the safety of our products and services, comply with all relevant international laws and regulations, and faithfully observe agreements with our customers.
    We will ensure the proper operation of our quality management system and continually work to improve the effectiveness of the system. In the unlikely event of one of our products being faulty, we will use our traceability system to trace the manufacturing, distribution, and sales processes to determine the cause of the problem and take countermeasures to ensure continuous improvement in quality.
    We continuously provide appropriate quality education and training to all employees to ensure that everyone possesses a high awareness of quality while continuously enhancing their understanding and knowledge.
    We will promote the development of technologies to help solve social issues and ensure technical expertise, which is the foundation of quality.

    June 9, 2022

    Procurement Policy

    In our procurement activities, we at the Tenma Group deepen partnerships with our suppliers, pursue co-existence and co-prosperity as our base, and aim to collaboratively achieve a sustainable society thereby fulfilling our corporate social responsibility.


    Compliance with laws and social norms

    • We comply with applicable laws and social norms in all countries and regions in which we operate.
    • We refrain from any purchase transaction that may infringe upon the intellectual property right or other rights of any third person.
    • We prohibit all types of bribery with any stakeholder.
    • We prohibit all types of transactions with antisocial forces.

    Fair and impartial trade

    In our purchase transaction, we determine suppliers in a fair and impartial manner based on reasonable standards that include quality, prices, delivery time, production capacity, environmental conservation, and management conditions.
    We limit gifts, entertainments, and other exchanges with suppliers within a range of sound commercial practice necessary for the maintenance and development of friendly and smooth relationship with suppliers. We prohibit the acts as exemplified below.

    • Donation, receipt, or provision of money or cashable goods
    • Otherwise having a personal interest, such as a loan

    Respect for human rights

    We conduct procurement activities with respect for human rights in accordance with the Human Rights Policy of the Tenma Group.


    Environmental consideration

    We conduct procurement activities with global environment considerations in accordance with the Environmental Policy of the Tenma Group.


    Information security measures

    We stringently manage the confidential information and personal information that we come to know through procurement activities and maintain confidentiality thereof.


    Promotion of responsible minerals procurement

    To promote responsible procurement, we implement appropriate measures in cooperation with suppliers for tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold, cobalt, and other conflict minerals produced in conflict regions or regions suspected of inhuman acts.


    Promotion of sustainable procurement

    Toward the achievement of a sustainable society, we share our social responsibility with suppliers and ask for their understanding and cooperation based the Requests for Suppliers in Procurement.

    Reporting system for suppliers

    If noncompliance has arisen or is suspected in relation to a transaction between our group and a supplier, please report thereof to the Compliance Hotline for Suppliers.
    We handle information reported from suppliers with due consideration for the privacy of the reporting person. The reporting person will not be subject to any disadvantageous treatment because of reporting.

    Compliance Hotline for Suppliers

    Requests for Suppliers in Procurement


    Toward the achievement of a sustainable society, we at the Tenma Group hope to promote measures for sustainable procurement throughout the entire supply chain.
    We request the endorsement of and cooperation with these measures from you at the suppliers.


    Compliance with laws and social norms

    You are requested to comply with applicable laws and social norms in all countries and regions in which you operate.

    • Compliance with laws
    • Prohibition of bribery
    • Prohibition of transactions with antisocial forces

    Human rights and occupational health and safety

    You are requested to respect global standards and ideas for human rights and establish a safe and healthy labor environment.

    • Prohibition of discrimination
    • Prohibition of forced labor and child labor
    • Prohibition of harassment
    • Compliance with occupational health and safety standards in all countries and regions
    • Respect for the freedom of association and collective bargaining rights

    Environmental consideration

    You are requested to promote activities for environmental conservation in compliance with environmental laws and regulations and agreements and to undertake activities for reducing the impact on the global environment.


    Quality and safety

    To provide products and services that satisfy customers, you are requested to establish, maintain, and enhance quality assurance systems. You are also requested to satisfy our quality requirements without any false reports or labeling dishonesties.


    Sound and impartial trade

    To maintain sound relationship as good partners, you are requested to practice fair and impartial trade.

    • Do not do disadvantageous treatment in the abuse of your superior position.
    • Do not provide or receive inappropriate benefits.
    • Do not infringe the intellectual property rights or other rights of any third party.

    Promotion of responsible minerals procurement

    You are requested to promote responsible procurement of tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold, cobalt, and other conflict minerals produced in conflict regions or regions suspected of inhuman acts.


    Information security measures

    You are requested to stringently manage the confidential information and personal information that you come to know through transactions and maintain confidentiality thereof.